Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Independence Day!

  With the 4th of July approaching, I'm sure we will all be remembering the great founders of our country that put their lives and fortunes at risk in order that we would have a country in which all are free to enjoy "Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." (The Declaration of Independence). We hope to keep our country free in spite of the fact that the federal government presently is bloated, cumbersome and overly intrusive to these rights we hold so dear! We can blame both major parties in our political spectrum for this. Now it is up to us to vote responsibly in order to get our government away from being a government of the people by the government and for the government, and back to a "government of the people, by the people and for the people." ( Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address).
     If the clowns in Washington don't start listening to the will of the people, they are inviting a violent revolution upon themselves. This would be most unfortunate, and should be a very last resort. The next two election cycles may very well determine this possible course of events!
     Now, having said that, let us get on to the REAL Independence Day. The day you invite Jesus Christ of Nazareth into your life. "Then Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him, If you continue in my word,
then you are my disiciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." John 8:32, (capitalization mine). If you haven't made that decision yet, please do it now, and enjoy REAL INDEPENDENCE!

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