Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Keeping Christ in Christmas
Way too many people, Christians included, get carried away with the material side of this holiday (holyday)
season. Let us all pause and take time to reflect on the incredible mercy and grace of God in providing a way for
we as humans to approach Him in all His Holiness. "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6.
Our nature as humans, is to give in to the desires and lusts of the flesh. We want to be first, not last. We want to be at the head of the line of traffic, waited on first at restaurants etc.
It is commendable to give gifts to those we are fond of at this time of year. Let's make sure that the real gift we give is one of friendship, love and compassion, and if we would but try to make an effort to extend that beyond this Christmas season. It will do honor to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the name of God our gracious Father, not to mention the change it will bring to our respective areas and lives!
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be on His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty, God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Between the Holidays

Thanksgiving has come and gone - now the anticipation of Christmas is here! Traditionally at our home, we change from Thanksgiving to Christmas overnight! The Christmas tree, with gifts underneath, the outside lights are up, and soon it will be Christmas. We can never forget what Christmas is truly about though. Jesus Christ, Our Lord, is alive and with Our Father in Heaven! We need to remember to help those that are having a hard time this year. To pray for our families and our friends, our soldiers still fighting for our freedom! The good tidings, the joy, needs to continue all year long - We need Christmas to continue in our lives, our hearts!
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving & The Giving of Thanks!
We have so much to be thankful for these days, in spite of the state of things throughout our nation and our world. Though there are wars, disease, famine and the like, we must still be grateful to God that we have life!
We should work to protect and nurture our life as well as the lives of those we come in contact with. The cholera epidemic in Haiti, the attack today on South Korea by North Korea, continued persecution of the Jews, especially by the Muslims....all theses instances need to be battled against by PRAYER! We can give money, our time etc., but prayer to the Lord God Almighty, Yahweh, through our intercessor Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that is what will turn the tide!
The power is in God and His Son Christ Jesus. By our faith in Him we are saved. So don't focus on the negative circumstances around us, focus on Him, and stay in His Word, the Bible.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28.
Remember to thank God this Thanksgiving Day, and each successive day thereafter.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Let's Go Forward!
Praise God from whom all blessing flow! The elections are over, and it looks like there are quite a few people going to Washington that will hopefully stand up for the principles this country was founded upon!
Freedom and liberty, to pursue our lives as God has given us vision to providing we don't trample on the
rights of others.
The Judeo-Christian ethic is such as important force in the world through Gods' Holy Spirit. Think of all the people and places our country has helped out and led in the spread of freedom and democracy throught the world!
When things look dark remember God is still ultimately in control. He will protect and provide for His children. "The Lord is my sheperd, I shall not want." Psalm 23:1.
As we go further into the fall anticipating winter, let us emanate the warmth of His love to those around us.
I know that can be hard with some people, and when we determine to do good Satan will try to trip us up, but our God is GREATER!
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 8:18.
Freedom and liberty, to pursue our lives as God has given us vision to providing we don't trample on the
rights of others.
The Judeo-Christian ethic is such as important force in the world through Gods' Holy Spirit. Think of all the people and places our country has helped out and led in the spread of freedom and democracy throught the world!
When things look dark remember God is still ultimately in control. He will protect and provide for His children. "The Lord is my sheperd, I shall not want." Psalm 23:1.
As we go further into the fall anticipating winter, let us emanate the warmth of His love to those around us.
I know that can be hard with some people, and when we determine to do good Satan will try to trip us up, but our God is GREATER!
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 8:18.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Perseverence, Breakthroughs, & Hindrances
When the children of Israel wouldn't listen to Moses, Gods' messenger the situation required perseverence. When the walls of Jerusalem were being re-built, led by Nehemia, it required perseverence.
When the first Christians doubted Pauls (Sauls) conversion, he had to use perseverence to get the gospel out!
Many of lifes' situations call for perseverence. Remember the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." Our family and friends have been through various situations of late that require much in the way of perseverence. In this fallen world, we as Christians have to set our mind and eyes on Christ Jesus. WHen Peter was trying to go to Jesus on the water, he started sinking when he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the external circumstances! Praise God! He is always there if we will but call on Him and focus on Him! Circumstances can divert our attention at times, however we must remember the apostle Pauls words from Ephesians 6:13 "Wherefore put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all to stand." Stay in the Word, focus on Christ and we will all make it through!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Life, Death and Gods' Goodness!
Recently things seem to be out of sync. We have a friend whose Dad recently died, another friend who was diagnosed with cancer, and I myself had an accident while riding an ATV and messed up my left knee, ankle, and foot. What's up when things like this happen?
We live in a "fallen" world. Since Adam ate the apple Eve presented him, we have lived in a less than perfect world. It doesn't mean that God doesn't love us, it just means we have to cope with circumstances
which we simply wish would go away. Gods' presence is always with us! If we would just remember this
it would go a long way in comforting our spirit and helping us to comfort others. In the latter part of Matthew 28:20, Christ tells us "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Also in John 14:16,"And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever."
When circumstances get us down, we must remember to look up! "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called called according to His purpose." Romans8:28.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Koran & The N.Y. Mosque
Rev. Terry Jones wants to burn the Koran, and a lot of people are upset about the proposed mosque building site 2 blocks from ground zero in New York City. Who's right and whose wrong? The people wanting to place the masque near ground zero technically do have the "freedom of religion" portion of our Constitution on their side, however, good taste and decency would indicate that they are wrong. It would be extremely disrespectful to the memory of those who perished at the hands of Muslim extremists and their families.
Burning the Koran would be within the "freedom of speech" portion of our Constitution, but extremely
disrespectful to those who adhere to the Muslim faith. Being a Christian as is Rev. Jones I am inclined to believe that the Koran is heresy. "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached to you, let him be cursed." Galatians 1:8.
People have the right to believe what they want to. "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13.
It's funny that Christians and Muslims share a common ancestry in Abraham, but cannot seem to abide in peace. There is some word that a possible "deal" may be reached about moving the mosque if Rev. Jones
doesn't burn the Koran. Let us hope this can be worked out without further anger and alienation.
Friday, August 27, 2010
High School, Teens & Stuff!
Our daughter started high school this week. What a challenge! It seems like just a short while ago we were rejoicing because she was potty trained, and now high school. So, we greet this stage of her life with mixed feelings, We're happy to see her nearly grown, but that also means it won't be long before she's taking college entrance exams. Although she is not too far into these "teen"" years, none the less, getting adjusted to the 'personality' changes that seem to leap out with hormones and development can be very challenging!
If it wasn't for the grace of God through Jesus Christ of Nazareth I'm not sure we would get through these
trying times. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6. Notice the part"when he is old", it says nothing about when he/she is a teenager! I take that to mean they are liable to depart from it somewhat, but hopefully return to the Lords' ways eventually.
As parents we have to start learning to 'let go'. When we see an obvious mistake they are on the verge of making, unless it is a super serious mistake, we should not say anything and let them learn from the experience. Easier said than done I assure you. Our tendency, as parents is to want to smooth things out and
help them avoid these mistakes, but they have to learn some things the 'hard way'.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fear seems to destroy all that is good in our lives! As Christians, we cannot allow fear to control our lives.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid? "(Psalm 27:1)
We have to allow Christ to give us His Peace. " Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)
Satan wins when we have our doubts, when we allow our fears to keep us from staying positive and focused on what is good in our lives! Give your thoughts to God, pray, fellowship with other believers, and ask for God's strength for all of our weaknesses.
Believe, Trust, Pray !!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Long Term Friendship
Everyone needs friends! Sometimes friends can disappoint each other and get on one anothers nerves, but in the end true friends get over it and the friendship becomes stronger having survived various problems. This month marks the 50th year of a friendship of mine. We met when I was 6 & he was 7, played together laughed, cried, got in trouble together.
Even a friendship as strong as ours is dwarfed by the company of the Holy Spirit. "A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Proverbs18:24. For those of us who have accepted Christ Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we have the Holy Spirits' presence to guide and comfort us until Jesus returns. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26. Not only do believers have the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort, did you know that we are also considered as "friends" by Jesus Christ himself? " you are my friends, if you do what I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made know to you." John 15:14 & 15.
How cool is that? To be considered "friends" with the Saviour of all mankind! Praise God from whom
all blessings flow!!
Even a friendship as strong as ours is dwarfed by the company of the Holy Spirit. "A man that has friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Proverbs18:24. For those of us who have accepted Christ Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we have the Holy Spirits' presence to guide and comfort us until Jesus returns. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26. Not only do believers have the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort, did you know that we are also considered as "friends" by Jesus Christ himself? " you are my friends, if you do what I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knows not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made know to you." John 15:14 & 15.
How cool is that? To be considered "friends" with the Saviour of all mankind! Praise God from whom
all blessings flow!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
She Said--He Said

Mark 11:25: "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions."
Who cares what she said, he said - the outcome was wrong!! Hard hearts, bad feelings, being scared, I know that is not what God intended. Stubborness is not right!
Luke 6:37 - "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."
Luke 7:47-49 - "For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little."
Life is short - no one knows how long God will allow each of us our lives here, we need to forgive and move on. What does it matter if you apologize first or not, the thing is to move on - to lay it to rest - to always love, to always care!
Who cares what she said, he said - the outcome was wrong!! Hard hearts, bad feelings, being scared, I know that is not what God intended. Stubborness is not right!
Luke 6:37 - "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned."
Luke 7:47-49 - "For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little."
Life is short - no one knows how long God will allow each of us our lives here, we need to forgive and move on. What does it matter if you apologize first or not, the thing is to move on - to lay it to rest - to always love, to always care!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Watch Your Words!
Anger - it can be such a bad thing in our relationships with each other! Sometimes we do not stop and think before we say something that should never have been said - words can destroy and not encourage! James 1:19-20 "This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God." Sometimes we speak out in anger without even realizing that we did not hear things correctly or even really listen -- and the words come out so hurting, so mean. Psalms 37:8 - "Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret, It leads only to evildoing." So true - How can we love and speak hate - Lord, forgive us, forgive me - for words that I have said that have not encouraged, but have hurt others. Please let me hear, let me be slow to speak and slow to anger O Lord!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Teenagers, Concerts & Dad!
Who in the world is Justin Bieber and where did he come from?

This kid apparently was discovered on "You Tube" a couple of years back. Evidently he wanted a singing career, and made his own videos, uploaded them to the internet and the little girls started swooning and haven't stopped since!Somehow I have been tasked with taking my daughter and her friend to this guys' concert!
Months ago when the tickets were bought, another of my daughters' friends mother said she would be glad to drive the girls to this teenage hearthrobs' show. Now suddenly she can't and in order to avoid an emotionally devastating( for 14 year old girls anyway) situation, I'm driving them. The location is two hours from home and I will have to find a way to kill about three hours while these pubescent darlings fawn over some guy who looks like he's 12, singing and strutting all over the stage! I could have played the "tough stuff" card and backed down, but when I think of how fast kids grow up, I wanted to 'suffer' through it. It seems that all to soon our 'little girl' will be out of high school and ready for college. I know that's still four years away, but time seems to just fly as far as a kids' growth is concerned. So I will take a couple of good books, find a corner table in a restaurant and find satisfaction in knowing I helped 'save the day'! After all what's a Dad for?
" How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"
1st John 3:1.
This kid apparently was discovered on "You Tube" a couple of years back. Evidently he wanted a singing career, and made his own videos, uploaded them to the internet and the little girls started swooning and haven't stopped since!Somehow I have been tasked with taking my daughter and her friend to this guys' concert!
Months ago when the tickets were bought, another of my daughters' friends mother said she would be glad to drive the girls to this teenage hearthrobs' show. Now suddenly she can't and in order to avoid an emotionally devastating( for 14 year old girls anyway) situation, I'm driving them. The location is two hours from home and I will have to find a way to kill about three hours while these pubescent darlings fawn over some guy who looks like he's 12, singing and strutting all over the stage! I could have played the "tough stuff" card and backed down, but when I think of how fast kids grow up, I wanted to 'suffer' through it. It seems that all to soon our 'little girl' will be out of high school and ready for college. I know that's still four years away, but time seems to just fly as far as a kids' growth is concerned. So I will take a couple of good books, find a corner table in a restaurant and find satisfaction in knowing I helped 'save the day'! After all what's a Dad for?
" How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"
1st John 3:1.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Independence Day!
With the 4th of July approaching, I'm sure we will all be remembering the great founders of our country that put their lives and fortunes at risk in order that we would have a country in which all are free to enjoy "Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." (The Declaration of Independence). We hope to keep our country free in spite of the fact that the federal government presently is bloated, cumbersome and overly intrusive to these rights we hold so dear! We can blame both major parties in our political spectrum for this. Now it is up to us to vote responsibly in order to get our government away from being a government of the people by the government and for the government, and back to a "government of the people, by the people and for the people." ( Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address).
If the clowns in Washington don't start listening to the will of the people, they are inviting a violent revolution upon themselves. This would be most unfortunate, and should be a very last resort. The next two election cycles may very well determine this possible course of events!
Now, having said that, let us get on to the REAL Independence Day. The day you invite Jesus Christ of Nazareth into your life. "Then Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him, If you continue in my word,
then you are my disiciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." John 8:32, (capitalization mine). If you haven't made that decision yet, please do it now, and enjoy REAL INDEPENDENCE!
If the clowns in Washington don't start listening to the will of the people, they are inviting a violent revolution upon themselves. This would be most unfortunate, and should be a very last resort. The next two election cycles may very well determine this possible course of events!
Now, having said that, let us get on to the REAL Independence Day. The day you invite Jesus Christ of Nazareth into your life. "Then Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him, If you continue in my word,
then you are my disiciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." John 8:32, (capitalization mine). If you haven't made that decision yet, please do it now, and enjoy REAL INDEPENDENCE!
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Great Reunion!
Our family just got back from a vacation that involved two family reunions, and one wedding.
My mom has been trying to get me to a reunion for twenty years! I finally went to one on my side of the family, and in the same week attended one on my wifes' side. Needless to say, everyone gained weight, and
I found out that I had more in common with relatives than I realized.
Think about the Great Reunion when we see Jesus! "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
So we will see Jesus and all our friends and relatives who were/ are believers! What hope we have in Christ!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Remember Those Who Have Given The Ultimate Sacrifice!

We enjoy a great deal of freedom in this country, the United States of America. Even though things are not as good as we would like them to be, this is still the "land of the free". The world is full of despots and dictators who lord it over their citizens and mistreat them grossly. It is vitally important that we remember those who gave their lives that we may enjoy our freedom. So why, on this Memorial Day is the
Commander in Chief not available to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unkown Soldier, as every other President of our country has, since the tradition was established? Could it be that we have a President that actually hates America and her traditions? Memorial Day was originally established to honor those killed in the Civil War, but has since been used to honor the memory of those who have died in all of our wars.
I can't remember ever having heard of a President of these United States, who wasn't invovled in honoring our fallen warriors on Memorial Day! What a disgrace Obama is to this nation! He goes around apologizing
for our actions as a country, ignoring the fact that we have led the world in establishing beach heads of freedom and democracy all over the world!
On this special day we should always remember our slain heros, and especially remember the ONE who was sacrificed for our sins, the sins of all mankind, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
" For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Discouragement----Why Does Everything Seem So Hard to Do?
Why do a lot of endeavors in life seem so hard to undertake? Sometimes we can start a project with great enthusiasim, only to get bogged down when things don't go as planned or as hoped for. I believe moments like these are just a test, sent to see how dedicated we are to achieving our objectives. At times, we may jump into something we have little experience with. Even when we are convinced that the project/endeavor,
is an idea or calling from the Lord, it is normal to occasionally get discouraged. Especially when it's a project to help spread the word of God, we can expect satan to throw road blocks in our path.
This goes back to the fall of man in Genesis. "And unto Adam He said, Because thou hast hearkened unto
the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles
shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." Genesis 3:17-19.
So we must persevere. As long as we are headed in the right direction, God will take care of the rest.
If we are not sure we're going in the right direction, we must ask the Lord to stop us before we go too far off track. Occassionally, we have to act quickly, and if there are gray areas, just trust that God will stop you before things get worse.
Monday, May 17, 2010
So Much More!
Almost time for vacation - family and friends! A time to relax, spend quality time with family and reconnect with good friends! We are taking "the road trip" this time and although my husband doesn't usually let me drive, that is ok. I will be reading and crocheting to pass the time. There is so much more to this life than the daily rut of work and school and household duties. We need time to reflect on family and to renew our bonds that keep the family together. It is sometimes hard to understand a teenage daughter and I am sure it is hard to understand us (her Dad and me! Don't believe all our problems can be solved in a family vacation, but, it gives us all time together to remember that we do love each other and care, to see other family members and reconnect.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Christ Jesus and Salvation
Of all the things one may do in their short life on this earth, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the anchor point for one's eternal salvation. Your good works won't save you. Going to church won't save you. Knowing the True and Living God, YAHWEH, El Shaddai, Elohim, through
His ONE and ONLY SON, Jesus Christ of Nazareth will assure your souls' salvation throughout eternity!
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemptionthat is in Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23 & 24.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
"Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:1.
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
John 14:27.
You can ask Jesus to come into your life anytime, anywhere! Just say a prayer similar to the following: "Lord God I realize that I am a sinner, and I want to make my life right with you. I repent of any evil I have done and will do my best not to continue in it. I need you in my life. I need your Son Jesus Christ to come into my life and make me whole, and forgive my sins. I am asking for you Jesus, to enter my heart now, and through your Holy Spirit's guidance take control of my life. I thank you Father God for saving me, in your Son Jesus'name. Amen"
Now take a deep breath and breathe in the air of freedom, the freshness of new spiritual life!
That wasn't so bad was it?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day!
For all the wonderful and devoted moms out there, "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-28. " She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." Proverbs 31: 27 & 28.
Monday, May 3, 2010
National Day of Prayer

This coming Thursday May 6th, is the National Day of Prayer. According to various news sources, Obama has chosen not to participate. What does this tell us about our present leadership? Either he does not
have any sort of Christian belief at all, or if he does he's trying to appease the left,(not surprising) as well as the Muslim population. We are in such dire need of a new direction in our country we should all pray on this day not just the Christians. I personally believe that The God of the Bible is the ONLY TRUE GOD, and prayer to any other being or diety is mis-guided!
As Christians, our hearts desire should follow what we are taught in the Bible. " Brethren, my heart's
desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." Romans 10:1
" Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance
and supplication for all saints;" Ephesians 6:18
With all the chaos in the world today, everything seems to be coming to a climax.Remeber what the apostle Peter said, "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer."
1st Peter 4:7. We cannot pray too much. God always wants to commune with His people!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Now Confirmed--Teenagers ARE From Another Planet! but So Am I!
How on earth can what seems to be an normal afternoon turn into one filled with anger and arguments?
Turn on a dime? There seems to be some elusive dynamic that is exhibited from time to time that has to do with alien beings, mis-interpreted feelings, and a broken volume control! In all of the speakers at the same time the volume control will become severely disabled. Something happens when a plain old "earth man"
interjects from time to time, and what seemed to be a promising solution from one point of view, instead becomes the catalyst for multiple infringements of the peace.
So after reviewing the options, the "earth man" realizes that all of the beings involved, whether they be from earth or some alien world, must agree to peacefully co-exist before the universe implodes! The "black hole, energy sucking dark star" must be gone! The peace of Christ Jesus must come!
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A Mighty Fortress In The Mountains - - Gods' Protection! -- Israels' Security!
"As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore."--Psalm 125:2. God is so good to His people! What a protector and provider, a healer and helper! As Christians we have so much to thank the Jewish race for. Christ our King came through the lineage of David
of the tribe of Judah. Why is our present administration seeming to turn their backs on our only true ally in the Middle East? Also, Israel is the only true democracy in the region. Could it be that they actually side with the anti-semites and would like to see Israel destroyed? Or are they just naive enough to believe that we just need more dialogue and things will work out?
Hamas and Hezbollah have both vowed to destroy the Jews, Hezbollah is supported by both Iran and Syria. And we have all seen Irans' President Achmadenijad on the airwaves promising Israels' annihilation,
and denying the past Holocaust!
The United States is damning themselves by turning their backs. God will do mighty wonders on Israels' behalf. And if they choose to act unilateraly against their enemies so be it! They have every right to defend themselves!! GOD BLESS ISRAEL!
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper who love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces." Psalm 122:6-7
Monday, April 19, 2010
We All Need To Pray For Our Country!
Franklin Graham: “We Need God’s Help”
Prayer is Crucial to the Healing of America
On May 6, National Day of Prayer, Franklin Graham will help lead us in praying for our nation. As the 2010 Honorary Chairman of this event, he explains why our country needs prayer and how we, as followers of Christ, can help bring healing to our land.
By Joy Allmond
“When Shirley Dobson asked me to do this, I was honored. On that day (May 6), we will focus our prayers toward our nation and our nation’s leaders,” said Franklin Graham. “God commands us to pray for those in authority, and the Bible teaches that all authority is given by Him.”
Regardless of party affiliation, Graham says it’s time to stop tearing one another apart. He also urges all followers of Christ to intercede on behalf of our great nation. “We need civility, and we need God’s help. Without God’s help, our nation will not stand.”
While any people disagree with the way our nation is being managed, Graham believes the next election is not the answer to our nation’s problems. “We need to be praying now. God can change the hearts of our leaders. Nothing is too hard for Him. Whether you agree or disagree with our president or a particular political party, respect that God put them there for this season. Pray that God would guide them and direct them according to His will and purpose.”
To accomplish this, he says that we must pray in the name of Jesus, just as the Bible instructs. “He shed his blood, died on the cross, and was buried for our sins. Now, He is alive and sits at the right hand of God the Father in heaven. We have access to go directly before the throne of grace, taking our petitions directly before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”
Watch as Franklin Graham challenges us to join in prayer for our nation:
On May 6, people from all over they nation will join together in churches as well as other public places, praying for our nation and those in authority over us. Graham urges everyone to participate in this day of prayer.
“Visit the National Day of Prayer Web site, find out where people are praying and join them. I’ll be in Washington, come up there if you want,” he said. “But, wherever you are, please participate in corporate prayer and pray for our nation.”
“I want to see our nation humble herself, confess sin before God, and ask for His forgiveness. If we, as a nation, did that, we would see healing come to our country.”
*The National Day of Prayer was signed into law as a national observance in 1952 by President Harry Truman. Since then, Americans from multiple backgrounds have been overcoming differences to join together and pray for our nation.
"The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him" Nahum 1:7
Prayer is Crucial to the Healing of America
On May 6, National Day of Prayer, Franklin Graham will help lead us in praying for our nation. As the 2010 Honorary Chairman of this event, he explains why our country needs prayer and how we, as followers of Christ, can help bring healing to our land.
By Joy Allmond
“When Shirley Dobson asked me to do this, I was honored. On that day (May 6), we will focus our prayers toward our nation and our nation’s leaders,” said Franklin Graham. “God commands us to pray for those in authority, and the Bible teaches that all authority is given by Him.”
Regardless of party affiliation, Graham says it’s time to stop tearing one another apart. He also urges all followers of Christ to intercede on behalf of our great nation. “We need civility, and we need God’s help. Without God’s help, our nation will not stand.”
While any people disagree with the way our nation is being managed, Graham believes the next election is not the answer to our nation’s problems. “We need to be praying now. God can change the hearts of our leaders. Nothing is too hard for Him. Whether you agree or disagree with our president or a particular political party, respect that God put them there for this season. Pray that God would guide them and direct them according to His will and purpose.”
To accomplish this, he says that we must pray in the name of Jesus, just as the Bible instructs. “He shed his blood, died on the cross, and was buried for our sins. Now, He is alive and sits at the right hand of God the Father in heaven. We have access to go directly before the throne of grace, taking our petitions directly before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”
Watch as Franklin Graham challenges us to join in prayer for our nation:
On May 6, people from all over they nation will join together in churches as well as other public places, praying for our nation and those in authority over us. Graham urges everyone to participate in this day of prayer.
“Visit the National Day of Prayer Web site, find out where people are praying and join them. I’ll be in Washington, come up there if you want,” he said. “But, wherever you are, please participate in corporate prayer and pray for our nation.”
“I want to see our nation humble herself, confess sin before God, and ask for His forgiveness. If we, as a nation, did that, we would see healing come to our country.”
*The National Day of Prayer was signed into law as a national observance in 1952 by President Harry Truman. Since then, Americans from multiple backgrounds have been overcoming differences to join together and pray for our nation.
"The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him" Nahum 1:7
Friday, April 16, 2010
Teenagers --- Are They From Another Planet?
I have decided that, though teens may not be from another planet, it sure seems that way at times! Our daughter will be 14 before too long, so we are not far into these teen years. But, what a change from the
little girl into a blossoming young lady! And dealing with the personality difference is quite an adjustment.
She doesn't want my help on quite as many things these days, which sometimes hurts my feelings until I realize she has to be her own person and, I won't be there to always fall back on as she ages. I will try my best to step back and let her make her own life, as she should, it's pretty difficult though! Not to mention that we seem to argue more. I have to realize that, as her own person, she will not always see eye to eye with my views. We have done our best to bring her up with Christian values, she knows the Lord and we have to be able to understand that He is guiding and looking after her, as He does all of His followers.
" Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6.
Monday, April 12, 2010
What Is Love?
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1st John 4: 8&9.
The word love conjours up a whole list of metaphors, and a stirring of various feelings in most peolpes hearts. But what is it? Is it giving up your life for someone, as Jesus did for us? Is it giving a neighbor a helping hand? Is it donating money or time to a homeless shelter; seeing a newborn baby in all their innocence? Love is all of the above and more. So why do we at times act in such un-lovable ways? Do we consciously choose to be un-lovable? At times this may be the case, at other times we may simply be unaware we have acted inappropriately, in our haste perhaps.
Let us strive to be more aware of the others in and around our lives and to step lightly so as try to leave a positive and lasting impact!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
No More Tears
My best friend's mom died on Monday - it was a head on collision and she lived out of state. My poor friend is grieving now and wondering why - why God? That really tests our faith when we cannot understand why our loving God would allow such a situation to happen to us! She called me last night and she said she is angry at God - you see I lost my mom suddenly too, but natural causes, a massive stroke. My mom also lived out of state - tears, so many tears, such heartache. All I can do is pray, and pray and pray for my friend, for me, for this world we live in. Some day there will be no more tears, no more sorrow, some day we will know, some day!!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
He is Risen! Happy Easter!

"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; HE IS RISEN!" Luke 24:1-6.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Death could not hold our Saviour! Death has no hold over we believers either. On this most special of all days, let us hold the KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS in our highest esteem. Let us truly approach His throne with a prayerful and worshipful spirit!
Happy Easter!!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Crucify Him!
"But they cried out, Away with Him, away with Him, crucify Him. Pilate said unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar. Then he delivered Him unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led Him away." John 19:15-16.
How fortunate we as believers are. To have someone who loved us enough to die for us! And not just anyone...the very real Son of God. Sent to suffer punishment on our behalf, that we deserved not Him.
"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13. Not only is He our Saviour, but He calls us His friends! Better yet, we who have accepted His offer of salvation, get to spend eternity with Christ in God! Remember He has risen. Death could not hold Him And He is at the right hand of the Father interceding for we poor mortals! " He is not here, but is risen: remember how He spoke to you when He was in Galilee, saying, The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again." Luke 24:6-7. Praise God for the third day!
On this Good Friday, let us reflect on the cost Christ paid. In His humaness He felt all the pain and disgrace that was meant for us. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Father God! Thank you Holy Spirit!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Pray For Israel! Pray For The U.S. As Well!
Why is U.S. policy against Israel? Israel is not only a true friend to us, but one of our staunchest allies in the Middle East! They have every right to build in any area of Jerusalem. It is their capitol spiritually and physically! Regardless of what the U.S. does, God will ultimately protect them, for the Jewish nation is most precious to Him. In Deuteronomy 32:10, speaking of Jacob/Israel, "In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him as the apple of His eye."
Our present administration is raining curses down on the U.S. by not backing Israel's stance to build own their own land!
Slideshow:Mideast Conflict Play Video Barack Obama Video:Jake Tapper on Obama's Nuke Plans ABC News Barack Obama Video:Obama begins hard sell Australia 7 News By AMY TEIBEL, Associated Press Writer Amy Teibel, Associated Press Writer – 31 mins ago
JERUSALEM – Israel insisted Friday it would continue building in contested east Jerusalem, taking an uncompromising stance against U.S. pressure following a tense visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington.
The refusal to change long-standing Israeli policy signaled that a high-profile rift between the U.S. and Israel remained wide, with stalled Mideast peace talks caught in the middle.
"The prime minister's position is that there is no change in Israeli policy on Jerusalem," Netanyahu's office said in a statement. Shortly after, he convened a previously scheduled meeting of key ministers to frame a response to Washington's demands for Israeli peace gestures.
Israeli soldiers, meanwhile, clashed Friday with militants inside the Hamas-run Gaza Strip in some of the fiercest fighting there since the January 2009 Gaza war.
Security officials with Gaza's Hamas-run Interior Ministry said Israeli soldiers were firing artillery and tank rounds near the southern city of Khan Younis. Footage broadcast on Al-Arabiya television showed ambulances that were unable to reach the scene of the fighting because of the gunfire waiting in alleyways as residents gathered around. Local medical officials reported that five civilians were injured.
The Israeli military provided no information on the clashes. The Hamas military wing's Web site said its gunmen were involved — a departure from the Islamic militant group's tendency over the past year to avoid confrontation with Israeli forces.
Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida told Hamas radio that Israeli forces "fell into an ambush" set by Hamas militants east of Khan Younis. He did not elaborate.
The outbreak of violence highlighted the region's volatility as the U.S. strives to get Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking back on track.
The Obama administration says Israeli construction in east Jerusalem undermines U.S. efforts to relaunch Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. The Palestinians want that sector of the holy city for a future capital and view the expanding Jewish presence there as a challenge to their claim.
Netanyahu's meetings with President Barack Obama and other top U.S. officials did not appear to quell U.S. anger over a major east Jerusalem construction project whose announcement in the middle of a visit by Vice President Joe Biden touched off the worst diplomatic row between the two countries in decades.
The disclosure Wednesday that 20 new Jewish homes would be built in the heart of an Arab neighborhood in east Jerusalem only stoked the frictions.
In the Syrian capital of Damascus, tens of thousands of Syrians and Palestinians gathered Friday for a government-orchestrated "march of anger" against Israeli construction in Jerusalem's eastern sector.
Protesters waved Syrian and Palestinian flags and pictures of Hamas leaders as they shouted anti-Israel slogans, and senior Hamas official Mohammed Nazzal condemned what he called Israel's "brutal aggression" on holy sites.
Israel annexed east Jerusalem immediately after capturing it from Jordan during the 1967 Mideast war and does not consider Jewish construction there to be settlement activity. The international community does not recognize the annexation and equates the Jewish construction there with West Bank settlements.
Should Netanyahu decide at any point to bend on east Jerusalem, he would likely do so at the expense of watching his hardline government splinter. He could, however, replace his hawkish coalition partners with the moderate Kadima Party, whose leader, Tzipi Livni, is open to sharing the holy city.
Israel's unyielding stance earned Netanyahu a chilly reception this week at the White House. In what was widely regarded as a snub, the news media were not allowed into any part of the two meetings between Obama and Netanyahu. No joint news conference was held afterward, no statements were issued about what happened, and the White House did not even release a photograph.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton also rebuked the visiting Israeli leader, saying expansionist Israeli housing policies erode trust and compromise Washington's position as an honest broker.
Netanyahu received a warm public reception from Congress, however, an indication that the administration might be limited in how much pressure it can apply. American Jewish backers of Israel are traditionally reliable supporters of the Democratic Party.
The fate of Jerusalem is the most explosive issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israel captured east Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Mideast war and immediately annexed the area — a move that has never been recognized internationally. The Palestinians want east Jerusalem as the capital of a state that includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Over the years, Israel has built a ring of Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem to cement its control over the area. About 180,000 Israelis live in these neighborhoods and about 2,000 more live in Palestinian neighborhoods.
The latest plans for construction in east Jerusalem have thrown into question the fate of U.S.-mediated peace talks that the Palestinians and Israelis had agreed to just before the diplomatic feud erupted.
Related Searches:gaza strip gaza war west bank and gaza strip tzipi livni palestinian flags Buzz up!31 votes Send Email IM Share Facebook Twitter Delicious Digg Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print
Our present administration is raining curses down on the U.S. by not backing Israel's stance to build own their own land!
Israel to continue building in east Jerusalem
Slideshow:Mideast Conflict Play Video Barack Obama Video:Jake Tapper on Obama's Nuke Plans ABC News Barack Obama Video:Obama begins hard sell Australia 7 News By AMY TEIBEL, Associated Press Writer Amy Teibel, Associated Press Writer – 31 mins ago
JERUSALEM – Israel insisted Friday it would continue building in contested east Jerusalem, taking an uncompromising stance against U.S. pressure following a tense visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington.
The refusal to change long-standing Israeli policy signaled that a high-profile rift between the U.S. and Israel remained wide, with stalled Mideast peace talks caught in the middle.
"The prime minister's position is that there is no change in Israeli policy on Jerusalem," Netanyahu's office said in a statement. Shortly after, he convened a previously scheduled meeting of key ministers to frame a response to Washington's demands for Israeli peace gestures.
Israeli soldiers, meanwhile, clashed Friday with militants inside the Hamas-run Gaza Strip in some of the fiercest fighting there since the January 2009 Gaza war.
Security officials with Gaza's Hamas-run Interior Ministry said Israeli soldiers were firing artillery and tank rounds near the southern city of Khan Younis. Footage broadcast on Al-Arabiya television showed ambulances that were unable to reach the scene of the fighting because of the gunfire waiting in alleyways as residents gathered around. Local medical officials reported that five civilians were injured.
The Israeli military provided no information on the clashes. The Hamas military wing's Web site said its gunmen were involved — a departure from the Islamic militant group's tendency over the past year to avoid confrontation with Israeli forces.
Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida told Hamas radio that Israeli forces "fell into an ambush" set by Hamas militants east of Khan Younis. He did not elaborate.
The outbreak of violence highlighted the region's volatility as the U.S. strives to get Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking back on track.
The Obama administration says Israeli construction in east Jerusalem undermines U.S. efforts to relaunch Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. The Palestinians want that sector of the holy city for a future capital and view the expanding Jewish presence there as a challenge to their claim.
Netanyahu's meetings with President Barack Obama and other top U.S. officials did not appear to quell U.S. anger over a major east Jerusalem construction project whose announcement in the middle of a visit by Vice President Joe Biden touched off the worst diplomatic row between the two countries in decades.
The disclosure Wednesday that 20 new Jewish homes would be built in the heart of an Arab neighborhood in east Jerusalem only stoked the frictions.
In the Syrian capital of Damascus, tens of thousands of Syrians and Palestinians gathered Friday for a government-orchestrated "march of anger" against Israeli construction in Jerusalem's eastern sector.
Protesters waved Syrian and Palestinian flags and pictures of Hamas leaders as they shouted anti-Israel slogans, and senior Hamas official Mohammed Nazzal condemned what he called Israel's "brutal aggression" on holy sites.
Israel annexed east Jerusalem immediately after capturing it from Jordan during the 1967 Mideast war and does not consider Jewish construction there to be settlement activity. The international community does not recognize the annexation and equates the Jewish construction there with West Bank settlements.
Should Netanyahu decide at any point to bend on east Jerusalem, he would likely do so at the expense of watching his hardline government splinter. He could, however, replace his hawkish coalition partners with the moderate Kadima Party, whose leader, Tzipi Livni, is open to sharing the holy city.
Israel's unyielding stance earned Netanyahu a chilly reception this week at the White House. In what was widely regarded as a snub, the news media were not allowed into any part of the two meetings between Obama and Netanyahu. No joint news conference was held afterward, no statements were issued about what happened, and the White House did not even release a photograph.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton also rebuked the visiting Israeli leader, saying expansionist Israeli housing policies erode trust and compromise Washington's position as an honest broker.
Netanyahu received a warm public reception from Congress, however, an indication that the administration might be limited in how much pressure it can apply. American Jewish backers of Israel are traditionally reliable supporters of the Democratic Party.
The fate of Jerusalem is the most explosive issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israel captured east Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Mideast war and immediately annexed the area — a move that has never been recognized internationally. The Palestinians want east Jerusalem as the capital of a state that includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Over the years, Israel has built a ring of Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem to cement its control over the area. About 180,000 Israelis live in these neighborhoods and about 2,000 more live in Palestinian neighborhoods.
The latest plans for construction in east Jerusalem have thrown into question the fate of U.S.-mediated peace talks that the Palestinians and Israelis had agreed to just before the diplomatic feud erupted.
Related Searches:gaza strip gaza war west bank and gaza strip tzipi livni palestinian flags Buzz up!31 votes Send Email IM Share Facebook Twitter Delicious Digg Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Bookmarks Print
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dream Home
Well, I did not win the HGTV Dream Home 2010 that I entered numerous times! Wow - what a home! I have a home with a beautiful view here in the mountains, what would I need with a huge home like that anyway, right? The Bible tells us to be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5) and I know I am guilty of wanting more! A lady that survived Katrina won that home, and I am glad for her! Lord, I am thankful for so many things that you have allowed me and my family to have. My home may be small, but the love makes it bigger! I pray that you will help me to realize how much I do have and to be content Lord!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Defeat The Health Care Fiasco!!
Please pray for the defeat of this fiasco of legislation that is before our senators & represntatives this weekend! Not only will it over tax present & future generations, it will allow for federal funding of abortion!
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psam 139:13-16.
We need to re-vamp our health care system, but not this way!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ask For Help!
"Ask,and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." Matthew 7:7
Did you ever try to do something that was in your heart, but didn't have any experience or known which way to turn just to start? That is how most meaningful tasks get accomplished. With your will lining up with Gods' will; He can make a way for you to overcome circumstances, lack of funds, and other obstacles in order to achieve the goals He has set for you! Don't sell yourself short, be an overcomer in Christ!!
Birthdays in Heaven
Today, March 15th, is my mother and my oldest sister, Cathey, birthdays! Yes, both on the same day - very special - you see today, they are celebrating their birthdays together again, like always. Except, today, it is another birthday celebration in Heaven as they died within a year of each other - My mom died in 2006 and my sister in 2007. No more pain, no more worries, no more fears - Tears---- still for me, but they are full of joy and celebration! I will Praise you Lord for Your Love - Your Peace - Your Glory - I Celebrate You Today - Tell My Mom and Sister that I miss them!
Monday, March 8, 2010
All the snow melts and turns into mud out where I live - dirt roads, dirt driveway, now mud and ruts! Sometimes it seems like our lives get alot of ruts and we get stuck in our own 'mud"! I was really complaining yesterday about the mud and yet this is where I live - this is home! How can I complain so much when I am really so thankful - yes, thankful! I have so much more than so many people - I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful healthy daughter! I have friends and family that care about me and love me! But most of all, I have a loving Father who gives me life and hope! One day there will be streets of gold!
It is snowing now, covering up the mud for now, until the sun melts it once again. Forgive me Lord, for complaining about such small things, in such a wonderful life that you have given me!
Lord, "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow". Psalm 51:7
It is snowing now, covering up the mud for now, until the sun melts it once again. Forgive me Lord, for complaining about such small things, in such a wonderful life that you have given me!
Lord, "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow". Psalm 51:7
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Return
"For many shall come in my name ,saying, I am Christ; and shall decveive many." Matthew 24:5
"And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars...and their shall be famines,pestilence,and EARTHQUAKES, in divers places" Mathew 24: 6a & 7b.
Two more earthquakes this week, Chile, and Taiwan! We just had Haiti, and the week befor Haiti, a 6.8
quake off of Northern California! " All these are but the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24:8.
With all of these end times signs so close together, can Jesus' return be near?
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man,no, not the angels of heaven,but my Father only." Matthew 24:36.
Let us be diligent in our adherence to our Lord Jesus Christ. He could come at any time! Will He find you
ready or not? If you don't have a relationship with Him in your heart, you won't be ready! God loves us and made us in His image. He wants to fellowship with us. Please, consider receiving His grace and forgiveness
today! It only takes a moment to pray to the Lord. If you're thinking you have to be perfect first, you won't make it. He is the only perfect one! In your silent prayer to Him, ask Him to help you in your unbelief!
"And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars...and their shall be famines,pestilence,and EARTHQUAKES, in divers places" Mathew 24: 6a & 7b.
Two more earthquakes this week, Chile, and Taiwan! We just had Haiti, and the week befor Haiti, a 6.8
quake off of Northern California! " All these are but the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24:8.
With all of these end times signs so close together, can Jesus' return be near?
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man,no, not the angels of heaven,but my Father only." Matthew 24:36.
Let us be diligent in our adherence to our Lord Jesus Christ. He could come at any time! Will He find you
ready or not? If you don't have a relationship with Him in your heart, you won't be ready! God loves us and made us in His image. He wants to fellowship with us. Please, consider receiving His grace and forgiveness
today! It only takes a moment to pray to the Lord. If you're thinking you have to be perfect first, you won't make it. He is the only perfect one! In your silent prayer to Him, ask Him to help you in your unbelief!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Life Is Happens While We Are Making Other Plans!
"A mans heart devises his way: but the Lord directs his steps."---Proverbs 16:9
So many times we plan & dream & save to accomplish something that seems so important to us at the time.
However, down the road circumstances seem to re-arrange themselves and throw various hindrances our way.
Our reaction to these "road-blocks" can be a source of drawing closer to God, or moving farther away from Him. God gives us a free will, it is up to us to use it for His glory. So many times in my life I have thought I knew which direction God wanted me to take, only to be challenged with unforseen delays & closures. At these times it is up to us to remember, He is always with us, trying to guide us if we will just listen to His "still, small voice"
& get out of His way.
So many times we plan & dream & save to accomplish something that seems so important to us at the time.
However, down the road circumstances seem to re-arrange themselves and throw various hindrances our way.
Our reaction to these "road-blocks" can be a source of drawing closer to God, or moving farther away from Him. God gives us a free will, it is up to us to use it for His glory. So many times in my life I have thought I knew which direction God wanted me to take, only to be challenged with unforseen delays & closures. At these times it is up to us to remember, He is always with us, trying to guide us if we will just listen to His "still, small voice"
& get out of His way.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Trust in the Lord!
Just thinking about how the world is today - I am currently unemployed, as so many others, wondering just what my future will be now. I have always wanted a job that would allow me to be there for my daughter, for the summers and the times that she will not be in school. It took me a long time to have a child, and I only have one. I went to alot of doctors with no success in having a child, and when we moved out into the middle of nowhere in the country, I actually became pregnant! So now, as an older mom, I want as much time with her as possible!
I find myself at home alot, especially during these winter months, wondering if this is where God truly wants me to be now. I have to trust in Him for direction and guidance, for so many things , that somehow seem so distant. I know that God loves me, and cares for me. I need to trust in Him and believe that He knows the desires of my heart, and cares.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
Make my paths straight O Lord, I pray!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Let Us Pray!
Waking up this morning - more world disasters in the news! Chile had a huge earthquake - Hawaii is on alert for a Tsunami - Well, we all know, or should know, that disasters like these are only more signs of the "end times". Stand ready - let us pray - for our world, for the fallen, for all who doubt!! Let Us Pray!!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
We Can't Be Friends--

Started thinking today - long overdue! Love my daughter so much and now she is a teenager. From 12 to 13, what a change! She will turn 14 this year and I have decided it is time to be the mother and not be a friend. You know I just want her to love me for who I am and guess what, that is probably what she wants too! As much as I still feel so young inside this older body, I cannot be her friend! I mean the love is strong, but, I have to kick back and let "her" be who "she" is with her friends - She really doesn't need us to play with her anymore-- So we can't be friends, not in the "friend" world, but, being her mother is an honor I hope to fulfill.
It is hard letting go already - alot of prayer to let go, and to hold on tight in my heart!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Our Church Burned Up!
This past Monday; Feb 15.2010, our church burned up! The entire inside was gutted! The cause was determined to be a short in an extension cord going to the organ. Apparently the cord had been spliced a number of times, and had been getting warmer and warmer un-noticed. The result was devastating.
Sometimes we can have isuues in our lives, or flaws in our personalities, that need to be dealt with but aren't. Instead,they lie smoldering.The easier choice is to ignore them until they too, become larger than they should have been.Consequently,the damage they inflict is more pronounced. Resolve now to deal with matters in a timely fashion, before they cause irreparable harm!
" A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the Lord." Proverbs 19:3
Monday, February 15, 2010
How Is Your Teen Wired?
How Your Teen Is Wired
by Joe White, Larry Weeden
Is your teen on the track to a meaningful future? Are you finding out what a joy it can be to help make the most of how God has wired him or her?
Many of us want to help our teens dream big, fulfilling, God-honoring dreams. But how do we do that?
The first step is to understand the great experiment known as your teen. In all of human history, there's never been another person with your teen's exact mix of God-given personality, talents, interests and spiritual gifts. As the two of you get to know that unique wiring through self-tests like the ones in the book Wired by God, you'll start to see which kinds of dreams might make a good fit.
Your Teen's Basic Bent
Here are some questions you can use anytime to find out how God has wired your young person:
•"What really drives you?"
•"What's the most fun you've ever had helping someone else?"
•"What dreams do you think God has given you?"
•"What can you do that most people can't?"
•"What ability would you most like to develop? Why?"
•"If God hired you for a summer job, what would you hope it would be? Why?"
And this one from Doug Fields, a youth pastor: "If you could design a specific way to serve God and knew you wouldn't fail, what would you do?"
Remember that your purpose is to listen and learn, to better understand and appreciate your teen's uniqueness. This is not the time for lectures and advice. Figuratively speaking, you need to have big ears and a small mouth, tough skin and a tender heart.
Another way to learn by questioning is to talk with others in your teen's life: teachers, youth group leaders, coaches, school counselors, Scout leaders, Sunday school teachers, parents of close friends. Ask what they've observed about your child's likes and dislikes, interests and passions, abilities and aptitudes.
Often these people will confirm your own observations. Sometimes, though, they'll describe a side of your teen that you hadn't noticed — or offer an insight you'd overlooked.
Your Teen's Interests and Passions
Here's a way to help your teen pinpoint his or her interests and natural abilities. It's based on "The Vision Quest," a tool developed by Tim Sanford, a counselor at Focus on the Family who works with a lot of young people.
Give your teen these instructions:
On a piece of paper, list the things you've done since the fourth grade. We're talking about academics, sports, social events, the arts, student government, hobbies, interaction with family and friends, personal adventures, youth activities, socials, special events, camps, worship, leadership, volunteer work, mission trips, "helping out," clubs, service projects, job duties, volunteer or assigned tasks, and chores.
You don't have to compile your whole list at once. Allow two or three weeks, adding to it as new memories come to mind. If you don't know whether to include something in the list, go ahead and put it down anyway.
Now give each activity a "positive" or a "negative" rating. How did it turn out? How did it affect you?
After several days, pull your worksheet out and think again about the events to which you gave a negative value. Look for patterns. For example, if events connected with mechanical things (fixing the car, building something, helping with props at the school play) consistently ended in disaster, you're probably not the mechanical type.
Now move to the positive side of the worksheet. Ask yourself the questions below as you look over those events.
•"Is there a pattern or anything these events have in common?"
•"Are some of the activities things I'd like to pursue more?"
•"How can I begin doing more of these kinds of activities?"
•"What kinds of qualities, talents, character traits and skills do these activities require?"
•"Do I have some of those qualities and traits?"
•"Are any circumstances or events missing from my worksheet? If so, what are they, and why might they be missing?"
•"Are there any activities I've never done before, but I'd like to try?"
Adapted from Wired by God: Empowering Your Teen for a Life of Passion and Purpose by Joe White with Larry Weeden, Copyright © 2004, Tyndale House Publishers. Used by permission
by Joe White, Larry Weeden
Is your teen on the track to a meaningful future? Are you finding out what a joy it can be to help make the most of how God has wired him or her?
Many of us want to help our teens dream big, fulfilling, God-honoring dreams. But how do we do that?
The first step is to understand the great experiment known as your teen. In all of human history, there's never been another person with your teen's exact mix of God-given personality, talents, interests and spiritual gifts. As the two of you get to know that unique wiring through self-tests like the ones in the book Wired by God, you'll start to see which kinds of dreams might make a good fit.
Your Teen's Basic Bent
Here are some questions you can use anytime to find out how God has wired your young person:
•"What really drives you?"
•"What's the most fun you've ever had helping someone else?"
•"What dreams do you think God has given you?"
•"What can you do that most people can't?"
•"What ability would you most like to develop? Why?"
•"If God hired you for a summer job, what would you hope it would be? Why?"
And this one from Doug Fields, a youth pastor: "If you could design a specific way to serve God and knew you wouldn't fail, what would you do?"
Remember that your purpose is to listen and learn, to better understand and appreciate your teen's uniqueness. This is not the time for lectures and advice. Figuratively speaking, you need to have big ears and a small mouth, tough skin and a tender heart.
Another way to learn by questioning is to talk with others in your teen's life: teachers, youth group leaders, coaches, school counselors, Scout leaders, Sunday school teachers, parents of close friends. Ask what they've observed about your child's likes and dislikes, interests and passions, abilities and aptitudes.
Often these people will confirm your own observations. Sometimes, though, they'll describe a side of your teen that you hadn't noticed — or offer an insight you'd overlooked.
Your Teen's Interests and Passions
Here's a way to help your teen pinpoint his or her interests and natural abilities. It's based on "The Vision Quest," a tool developed by Tim Sanford, a counselor at Focus on the Family who works with a lot of young people.
Give your teen these instructions:
On a piece of paper, list the things you've done since the fourth grade. We're talking about academics, sports, social events, the arts, student government, hobbies, interaction with family and friends, personal adventures, youth activities, socials, special events, camps, worship, leadership, volunteer work, mission trips, "helping out," clubs, service projects, job duties, volunteer or assigned tasks, and chores.
You don't have to compile your whole list at once. Allow two or three weeks, adding to it as new memories come to mind. If you don't know whether to include something in the list, go ahead and put it down anyway.
Now give each activity a "positive" or a "negative" rating. How did it turn out? How did it affect you?
After several days, pull your worksheet out and think again about the events to which you gave a negative value. Look for patterns. For example, if events connected with mechanical things (fixing the car, building something, helping with props at the school play) consistently ended in disaster, you're probably not the mechanical type.
Now move to the positive side of the worksheet. Ask yourself the questions below as you look over those events.
•"Is there a pattern or anything these events have in common?"
•"Are some of the activities things I'd like to pursue more?"
•"How can I begin doing more of these kinds of activities?"
•"What kinds of qualities, talents, character traits and skills do these activities require?"
•"Do I have some of those qualities and traits?"
•"Are any circumstances or events missing from my worksheet? If so, what are they, and why might they be missing?"
•"Are there any activities I've never done before, but I'd like to try?"
Adapted from Wired by God: Empowering Your Teen for a Life of Passion and Purpose by Joe White with Larry Weeden, Copyright © 2004, Tyndale House Publishers. Used by permission
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word." ---Ephesians 5:25 & 26---
With another Valentines Day upon us, these are (as always), important words to keep in mind. Guys, we should never take our women for granted. In the course of day to day life, we all get caught up in various activities that seem to be more important than our relationship at the time. We should try to make the ladies feel special on more than one day a year. Just taking time to thank them for all they do to keep the family together, emotionally and physically, goes a long way! Think about it!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Teens & Pregnancy
Our 13 year old daughter recently came home with a baby!! Before anyone out there jumps to conclusions about bad parenting etc.; let me tell you that it was a "computerized " infant for a class at her school.
Most of the kids that had to do this were able to take the "child" for just one school night. However, wanting for the experience to be more like "real life", she elected to bring this "child" home for the weekend! Yes,3 nights; Friday,Saturday & Sunday night. Well, let me tell you after several days of sleep deprivation, her nerves are on edge big time. She never dreamed it would be as hard as it has been.
I think these types of programs are very useful,in order to give the kids at least some understanding of the responsibility that having a child invloves! Suffice it to say that any idea of the "fun" involved has gone out the window,& I have no doubt this; in addition to similar reinforcement at home,will make her think twice about experimenting with sex before marriage!
Most of the kids that had to do this were able to take the "child" for just one school night. However, wanting for the experience to be more like "real life", she elected to bring this "child" home for the weekend! Yes,3 nights; Friday,Saturday & Sunday night. Well, let me tell you after several days of sleep deprivation, her nerves are on edge big time. She never dreamed it would be as hard as it has been.
I think these types of programs are very useful,in order to give the kids at least some understanding of the responsibility that having a child invloves! Suffice it to say that any idea of the "fun" involved has gone out the window,& I have no doubt this; in addition to similar reinforcement at home,will make her think twice about experimenting with sex before marriage!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tim Tebow & SuperBowl Ad Controversy

Associated Press
Tim Tebow wants to talk to you about your uterus.Pro prospect Tim Tebow, just off his stellar career at Florida, will appear with his mother in a controversial pro-life ad that CBS plans to run. As commercials go, it’s already generating lots of conjecture. In other words, it’s probably not the standard Super Bowl spot that aspires merely to be funny, such as the “office linebacker” commercials.
Tebow relishes being a role model. The devout Christian does missionary work, wears eyeblack with Biblical verses and promises to remain a virgin until marriage. In the commercial, by the conservative group Focus on the Family, Tebow’s mother, Pam, will recount how she ignored medical advice to have an abortion when medical problems threatened her life and gave birth to Tim, her fifth child.
Not everyone is happy with the Tebows’ message. “What both Tebows appear to miss in their passionate pro-life advocacy is that it was always Pam Tebow’s choice as to what to do with her pregnancy: though doctors advised her to terminate it, they couldn’t force her to do so,” Latoya Peterson writes at Jezebel. “The Tebows are now taking the stance that the only permissible option is to not terminate pregnancies, effectively denying other women the choice that Pam Tebow herself was able to exercise.”
At Real Clear Sports, Art Spander writes of the changing dynamic for athletes. “Sport used to be so clear. Athletes were athletes,” Spander writes. “They played games, signed autographs and were invited out to dinner by alums who might have been breaking NCAA rules but it wasn’t like robbing a bank or anything. These days are different. Players question coaches, support political candidates and prove they got something out of school other than a letterman’s jacket.”
The Orlando Sentinel’s George Diaz doesn’t like mixing politics and sports, preferring commercials with “talking frogs. Dancing lizards. Clydesdale horses falling in love. Danica Patrick getting her sexy groove on for GoDaddy.com.”
DawgSport’s T. Kyle King defends Tebow’s choice to appear in the ad.
FanHouse’s Jay Mariotti, who isn’t interested in Tebow’s views during the Super Bowl, thinks there’s a lot of downside for any team that drafts him. “Tebow is raising eyebrows across the NFL, where league and team executives must be conscious of public relations within their communities,” Mariotti writes. “When kept in a proper context and equilibrium, the missionary and humanitarian work done by the Tebow family is breathtaking. But to grandstand on the biggest stage in the world makes me wonder if Tebow is more interested in crusading than playing the game.”
However, Yahoo’s Jason Cole argues that Tebow’s popularity could have an immense benefit when the NFL draft comes around.
As for whether Tebow’s actually good enough to quarterback an NFL team, Digital Sports Daily’s Travis Duncan says it’s premature to make much out of Tebow’s early struggles in practice for the Senior Bowl college all-star showcase.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Children & Obedience
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. And ye fathers,provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonnition of the Lord." Ephesians 6: 1&4...KJV
There is a fine line in discipline invloving children. We want to be "good parents",but that involves the right kind of discipline. Spanking not beating, can produce a healthy respect for rules. Beating or spanking beyond what is necessary to ensure compliance,will alienate kids & in the long run, most likely cause a
lack of respect.
Conversly, too little discipline can cause the same result! We want our kids to like us,& be friends with us,but at times we must stop being the "friend" and act as the "parent" once again. This back & forth as "friend" then "parent" again, seems to be the norm for most successful child raising. Along with this goes a"healthy example" the parents should set, involving their own behavior!
Respect for the other spouse in the marriage relationship is vital as well, in setting a good example of a working marriage, that hopefully, the kids will grow up to emulate!
There is a fine line in discipline invloving children. We want to be "good parents",but that involves the right kind of discipline. Spanking not beating, can produce a healthy respect for rules. Beating or spanking beyond what is necessary to ensure compliance,will alienate kids & in the long run, most likely cause a
lack of respect.
Conversly, too little discipline can cause the same result! We want our kids to like us,& be friends with us,but at times we must stop being the "friend" and act as the "parent" once again. This back & forth as "friend" then "parent" again, seems to be the norm for most successful child raising. Along with this goes a"healthy example" the parents should set, involving their own behavior!
Respect for the other spouse in the marriage relationship is vital as well, in setting a good example of a working marriage, that hopefully, the kids will grow up to emulate!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Against All Odds--Girl Survives Over 2 Weeks Under Rubble !!
By VIVIAN SEQUERA and BEN FOX, Associated Press Writers Vivian Sequera And Ben Fox, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 20 mins ago
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – A 16-year-old girl pulled from the rubble more than two weeks after a deadly earthquake was in stable condition Thursday, able to eat yogurt and mashed vegetables to the surprise of doctors, who said her survival was medically inexplicable.
Hundreds of thousands of other survivors hoped for a breakthrough of another kind — the delivery of badly needed food aid.
Key players in the Haiti earthquake relief effort, in what may prove to be a pivotal meeting Wednesday, decided to better coordinate by dividing up the shattered capital, giving each responsibility for handing out food in certain areas.
Food distribution thus far has often been marked by poor coordination, vast gaps in coverage, and desperate, unruly lines of needy people in which young men at times shoved aside the women and weak and took their food.
"These things should be done in a systematic way, not a random way," Dr. Eddy Delalue, who runs a Haitian relief group, Operation Hope, said Wednesday of the emergency food program. "It's survival of the fittest: The strongest guy gets it."
Wednesday's rescue of teenager Darlene Etienne from a collapsed home near St. Gerard University, 15 days after Haiti's great quake killed an estimated 200,000 people, was the first such recovery since Saturday, when French rescuers extricated a man from the ruins of a hotel grocery store.
Etienne is stable, drinking water and eating yogurt and mashed vegetables, said Dr. Evelyne Lambert, who has been treating the girl on the French Navy hospital ship Sirocco, anchored off the shore of Port-au-Prince.
Lambert said that Etienne has a 90 percent chance of survival
"We cannot really explain this because that's just (against) biological facts," Lambert told a news conference. "We are very surprised by the fact that she's alive. ... She's saying that she has been under the ground since the very beginning on the 12th of January so it may have really happened — but we cannot explain that."
Etienne may have had some access to water from a bathroom of the wrecked house, and rescuers said she mumbled something about having a little Coca-Cola with her in the rubble.
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – A 16-year-old girl pulled from the rubble more than two weeks after a deadly earthquake was in stable condition Thursday, able to eat yogurt and mashed vegetables to the surprise of doctors, who said her survival was medically inexplicable.
Hundreds of thousands of other survivors hoped for a breakthrough of another kind — the delivery of badly needed food aid.
Key players in the Haiti earthquake relief effort, in what may prove to be a pivotal meeting Wednesday, decided to better coordinate by dividing up the shattered capital, giving each responsibility for handing out food in certain areas.
Food distribution thus far has often been marked by poor coordination, vast gaps in coverage, and desperate, unruly lines of needy people in which young men at times shoved aside the women and weak and took their food.
"These things should be done in a systematic way, not a random way," Dr. Eddy Delalue, who runs a Haitian relief group, Operation Hope, said Wednesday of the emergency food program. "It's survival of the fittest: The strongest guy gets it."
Wednesday's rescue of teenager Darlene Etienne from a collapsed home near St. Gerard University, 15 days after Haiti's great quake killed an estimated 200,000 people, was the first such recovery since Saturday, when French rescuers extricated a man from the ruins of a hotel grocery store.
Etienne is stable, drinking water and eating yogurt and mashed vegetables, said Dr. Evelyne Lambert, who has been treating the girl on the French Navy hospital ship Sirocco, anchored off the shore of Port-au-Prince.
Lambert said that Etienne has a 90 percent chance of survival
"We cannot really explain this because that's just (against) biological facts," Lambert told a news conference. "We are very surprised by the fact that she's alive. ... She's saying that she has been under the ground since the very beginning on the 12th of January so it may have really happened — but we cannot explain that."
Etienne may have had some access to water from a bathroom of the wrecked house, and rescuers said she mumbled something about having a little Coca-Cola with her in the rubble.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fruit Of The Spirit
If we are "abiding in Christ" the Holy Spirit will cause our lives to produce "fruit".This "fruit" is the inner working of His Spirit, guiding &; prompting our spirit,so that we will act or think in a certain manner!
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,peace,longsuffering,gentleness,goodness,faith, meekness,temperance:
against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22 & 23.
This is not acheived by our effort. It is His Spirit alone inside of one who believes in Christ Jesus of Nazareth, as their Lord & Saviour!! Of course our "humanness" will at times hinder the display of these "fruits"; but He will guide us back onto the correct course. Stay in the Word, pray to Him,He is always there
& wants to commune with us!!!
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